Sunday, July 18, 2010

How to: Dress Like Lady Gaga

I don't consider this a craft blog or a celebrity blog, I actually don't consider it an ANYTHING blog. But Katie and I have been tossing around ideas about how to dress like Lady Gaga for Halloween, and I thought I'd share some of them.

The Bubble Suit

Just blow these REALLY REALLY REALLY fast. Note: May make it difficult to hold conversations at a party. Or eat.

The Crime Scene Tape

Find a local crime scene and run around like crazy. Eventually you will be covered in the police tape style of Lady Gaga.

The Beer Can Hairdo

Grab 30 of your closest friends and go drinking. One of you will wake up looking like this.

As you can see, Lady Gaga's high fashion is a little difficult and too coutoure for most of us to attain, but with a little ingenuity, you too can be as fabulous as she is.

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